Bach Flower Advice

Bach flowers mix 71

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Stop procrastinating right now and do something!

Stop procrastinating right now and do something!

Sometimes we all have reasons to not to do what we have to do. And sometimes these reasons are just not true. We look out for excuses to procrastinate our challenges. This is completely normal. But if we wait too long, the barrier grows by the day. After a while, we struggle to get it done, the grown barrier leaves us paralyzed and we find no exit out of this vicious circle. Here are some tips, which will help you to get the challenge you're thinking about out of the way.

1. Don’t think too much

It is always a good idea to think before you act. But if we think too much time, the danger is that we get lost in our thoughts. More and more aspects occur, and at the end of the day our challenge seems to be unbearable. It is good to think about consequences, but we cannot rule out any failure from the beginning. If you need to do something, think about it for a while, but then stop thinking, and start acting!

2. Don’t wait too long

Time brings wisdom. Sometimes we simply need more time to think; we have to wait for certain events to take place or for any special information to receive. But if we wait too long, we lose touch with the challenge in front of us, the momentum goes away and it takes us much more energy to return to our task. Take the time you need, but don’t forget that the perfect moment maybe never arrives. If you wait too long, you probably never will achieve your goal.

3. Overcome your fears

Fears are frequently holding us back from doing what we have to do. Some people fear speaking in front of a large audience. Others are afraid of failure. Especially when it comes to something we’ve never done before, fear of failure can grow in us. But the only failure is to never try. So don’t be a slave of your fears, take your fate in your own hands and start acting right now.

4.  No need for perfectionism

If we try to eliminate all possible obstacles beforehand, the danger is that more and more obstacles occur, more and more questions arise. It is mostly simply impossible to calculate all consequences and to foresee all possible complexities. Perfectionism sometimes works like a hand brake – it prevents us from going forward. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you make mistakes, you can learn from them. Therefore, it can be helpful to lower your expectations and accept the possibility of failure. This way, the burden you feel appears less heavy, and you will be able to start as soon as you leave perfectionism behind.

5. Go step by step

Sometimes you feel like a cow looking at a new gate. The task you’re facing seems to be giant, overwhelming and impossible to make. Paralyzed by this finding, you see no start or finish and you doubt your capacities. But the closer you look at it, the smaller it appears. In such situations it helps to take on your challenge step by step. Try to divide a big task in several smaller ones do them one at the time. You will see that each of these smaller challenges is perfectly bearable, and if you do one after another, you will make it.

6. Motivate yourself

If you simply lack the motivation to do what you have to do, the key to the solution is you! Imagine how you will feel once you’ve finished. You will be proud of yourself as soon as you’ve completed the challenge. You can talk about your success, you will feel relieved and you will be able to concentrate on things you really like to do. As soon as you get over your motivational crisis, life will be much easier than it appears in this very moment.

7. Seek for help

You’ve read all the previous tips but you have still no clue how to get the challenges you're thinking about out of the way? Then your problem might be deeper rooted. What about asking other people for help - a family member, a friend or a colleague? If there is nobody you can talk to, maybe you should seek for professional help, a psychologist or your doctor can recommend you several therapies to overcome your procrastination problem. And by the way: as soon as you get up and seek for help, you have done the first step to eliminate this problem. You just need to do it right now.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Stop procrastinating right now and do something!

Stop procrastinating right now and do something!
Stop procrastinating right now and do something!

Sometimes we all have reasons to not to do what we have to do. And sometimes these reasons are just not true. We look out for excuses to procrastinate our challenges. This is completely normal. But if we wait too long, the barrier grows by the day. After a while, we struggle to get it done, the grown barrier leaves us paralyzed and we find no exit out of this vicious circle. Here are some tips, which will help you to get the challenge you're thinking about out of the way.

1. Don’t think too much

It is always a good idea to think before you act. But if we think too much time, the danger is that we get lost in our thoughts. More and more aspects occur, and at the end of the day our challenge seems to be unbearable. It is good to think about consequences, but we cannot rule out any failure from the beginning. If you need to do something, think about it for a while, but then stop thinking, and start acting!

2. Don’t wait too long

Time brings wisdom. Sometimes we simply need more time to think; we have to wait for certain events to take place or for any special information to receive. But if we wait too long, we lose touch with the challenge in front of us, the momentum goes away and it takes us much more energy to return to our task. Take the time you need, but don’t forget that the perfect moment maybe never arrives. If you wait too long, you probably never will achieve your goal.

3. Overcome your fears

Fears are frequently holding us back from doing what we have to do. Some people fear speaking in front of a large audience. Others are afraid of failure. Especially when it comes to something we’ve never done before, fear of failure can grow in us. But the only failure is to never try. So don’t be a slave of your fears, take your fate in your own hands and start acting right now.

4.  No need for perfectionism

If we try to eliminate all possible obstacles beforehand, the danger is that more and more obstacles occur, more and more questions arise. It is mostly simply impossible to calculate all consequences and to foresee all possible complexities. Perfectionism sometimes works like a hand brake – it prevents us from going forward. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you make mistakes, you can learn from them. Therefore, it can be helpful to lower your expectations and accept the possibility of failure. This way, the burden you feel appears less heavy, and you will be able to start as soon as you leave perfectionism behind.

5. Go step by step

Sometimes you feel like a cow looking at a new gate. The task you’re facing seems to be giant, overwhelming and impossible to make. Paralyzed by this finding, you see no start or finish and you doubt your capacities. But the closer you look at it, the smaller it appears. In such situations it helps to take on your challenge step by step. Try to divide a big task in several smaller ones do them one at the time. You will see that each of these smaller challenges is perfectly bearable, and if you do one after another, you will make it.

6. Motivate yourself

If you simply lack the motivation to do what you have to do, the key to the solution is you! Imagine how you will feel once you’ve finished. You will be proud of yourself as soon as you’ve completed the challenge. You can talk about your success, you will feel relieved and you will be able to concentrate on things you really like to do. As soon as you get over your motivational crisis, life will be much easier than it appears in this very moment.

7. Seek for help

You’ve read all the previous tips but you have still no clue how to get the challenges you're thinking about out of the way? Then your problem might be deeper rooted. What about asking other people for help - a family member, a friend or a colleague? If there is nobody you can talk to, maybe you should seek for professional help, a psychologist or your doctor can recommend you several therapies to overcome your procrastination problem. And by the way: as soon as you get up and seek for help, you have done the first step to eliminate this problem. You just need to do it right now.

Bach flowers mix 71: Stress

Bach flowers mix 71 helps to:

  • Remove irritability as a result of stress 
  • Solve the nervousness typical to stress 
  • Reduce the anxiety attacks 
  • To be able to concentrate better 
  • Prevent from going into dejection as a result of stress
Discover how Bach flowers mix 71 can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.

tom vermeersch
Tom Vermeersch

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