Bach Flower Advice

Bach flowers mix 71

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Stop worrying and live in the moment

Stop worrying and live in the moment

People spend so much of their time regretting the past and worrying about the future. But it’s not worth it! Even what happened yesterday doesn't matter anymore! Let go of the past and the future and make the most of every moment.

Stay Grounded

If you only do one thing to help you live a better life, this is it: live in the present moment. Here and now is the only time in which you can influence what happens. Don't waste time and energy worrying about events in the past. And don't lose sleep over things that might not ever happen.

To keep yourself grounded, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are my anxieties about the future stopping me from living my best life here and now?
  • Are regrets about things that happened in the past embittering the present?
  • Am I getting up every morning determined to make the most of every day, whatever it brings?

Accept the reality

Accepting reality is the first step in overcoming the challenges we face in our lives. Once you stop worrying about what might happen and start living in the present, you can fully embrace the moment and accept it as it is. As soon as we stop resisting our current situation, worries evaporate, stress and tension melt away and this gives us the strength we need to take the first steps towards creating a better future life for ourselves.

Make a decision

Worried about taking a decisive step? Just do it! Once you’ve made a clear decision, many of your anxieties will disappear and as soon as you put your plan into action, the rest of your worries will soon vanish. Taking these three simple steps will help to banish many of your anxieties: 

  • Write down what it is that’s worrying you and list some things you can do about it
  • Look at your options and decide what you’re going to do
  • Do it - and don’t put it off until tomorrow, start at once!

Take a break

To let go of worries, take frequent breaks. When you’re stressed and worried, it’s tempting to just keep on going. However, fatigue can make worries seem worse so however busy you are, it’s important to take regular breaks for rest and relaxation. A tired mind is not in the best state for problem solving or clear thinking. 

If you find it hard to switch off and relax, Bach Flower Mix 47 will reduce anxiety, boost your energy, and helo you to get a better night’s sleep. 

Stop worrying about what others think of you

Anxiety about the opinion of others takes up so much mental space and drains our energy. While you might worry that others are constantly thinking about you and what you’re up to, the truth is that they’re just as likely to be worrying about what you think of them. Forget about the opinions of other people, whether good or bad but live the life you want to live. Bach Flower Mix 85 is an effective way to reduce everyday fears and worries, helping to treat panic attacks and support you as you take on fresh challenges.

Keep busy

When you’re happily occupied with a task that requires concentration, you experience “flow”, the phenomenon when time passes unnoticed and your fears and worries disappear. Taking up a new sport or hobby is one of the best ways of living in the moment. Baking, tennis, painting or learning Spanish, it doesn’t matter what as long as it’s something you enjoy!

Relax at work

Learn to relax while you’re working! It might sound counterintuitive but taking frequent breaks to stretch and relax is a great way to banish anxieties and stress. Don't make things harder than they need to be: make sure that your workstation is set up to be as comfortable as possible. A simple change such as adjusting your chair can make a big difference.

Get into the habit of checking your stress levels several times a day. Whenever you feel the tension building up in your shoulders and neck, stretch, take a few deep breaths and relax. You might find it helps to set some alerts that remind you to pause and relax every half hour throughout the day. Bach Flower Mix 83 is another option for overcoming negative feelings, boosting concentration and improving your performance at work. 

While we all need time to reflect and make plans, be careful that regrets about the past and fears about the future don't stop you from enjoying the present. Stop worrying about the things you can't control and live in the moment!

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Stop worrying and live in the moment

Stop worrying and live in the moment
Stop worrying and live in the moment

People spend so much of their time regretting the past and worrying about the future. But it’s not worth it! Even what happened yesterday doesn't matter anymore! Let go of the past and the future and make the most of every moment.

Stay Grounded

If you only do one thing to help you live a better life, this is it: live in the present moment. Here and now is the only time in which you can influence what happens. Don't waste time and energy worrying about events in the past. And don't lose sleep over things that might not ever happen.

To keep yourself grounded, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are my anxieties about the future stopping me from living my best life here and now?
  • Are regrets about things that happened in the past embittering the present?
  • Am I getting up every morning determined to make the most of every day, whatever it brings?

Bach flowers mix 71: Stress

Bach flowers mix 71 helps to:

  • Remove irritability as a result of stress 
  • Solve the nervousness typical to stress 
  • Reduce the anxiety attacks 
  • To be able to concentrate better 
  • Prevent from going into dejection as a result of stress
Discover how Bach flowers mix 71 can help you

Accept the reality

Accepting reality is the first step in overcoming the challenges we face in our lives. Once you stop worrying about what might happen and start living in the present, you can fully embrace the moment and accept it as it is. As soon as we stop resisting our current situation, worries evaporate, stress and tension melt away and this gives us the strength we need to take the first steps towards creating a better future life for ourselves.

Make a decision

Worried about taking a decisive step? Just do it! Once you’ve made a clear decision, many of your anxieties will disappear and as soon as you put your plan into action, the rest of your worries will soon vanish. Taking these three simple steps will help to banish many of your anxieties: 

  • Write down what it is that’s worrying you and list some things you can do about it
  • Look at your options and decide what you’re going to do
  • Do it - and don’t put it off until tomorrow, start at once!

Take a break

To let go of worries, take frequent breaks. When you’re stressed and worried, it’s tempting to just keep on going. However, fatigue can make worries seem worse so however busy you are, it’s important to take regular breaks for rest and relaxation. A tired mind is not in the best state for problem solving or clear thinking. 

If you find it hard to switch off and relax, Bach Flower Mix 47 will reduce anxiety, boost your energy, and helo you to get a better night’s sleep. 

Stop worrying about what others think of you

Anxiety about the opinion of others takes up so much mental space and drains our energy. While you might worry that others are constantly thinking about you and what you’re up to, the truth is that they’re just as likely to be worrying about what you think of them. Forget about the opinions of other people, whether good or bad but live the life you want to live. Bach Flower Mix 85 is an effective way to reduce everyday fears and worries, helping to treat panic attacks and support you as you take on fresh challenges.

Keep busy

When you’re happily occupied with a task that requires concentration, you experience “flow”, the phenomenon when time passes unnoticed and your fears and worries disappear. Taking up a new sport or hobby is one of the best ways of living in the moment. Baking, tennis, painting or learning Spanish, it doesn’t matter what as long as it’s something you enjoy!

Relax at work

Learn to relax while you’re working! It might sound counterintuitive but taking frequent breaks to stretch and relax is a great way to banish anxieties and stress. Don't make things harder than they need to be: make sure that your workstation is set up to be as comfortable as possible. A simple change such as adjusting your chair can make a big difference.

Get into the habit of checking your stress levels several times a day. Whenever you feel the tension building up in your shoulders and neck, stretch, take a few deep breaths and relax. You might find it helps to set some alerts that remind you to pause and relax every half hour throughout the day. Bach Flower Mix 83 is another option for overcoming negative feelings, boosting concentration and improving your performance at work. 

While we all need time to reflect and make plans, be careful that regrets about the past and fears about the future don't stop you from enjoying the present. Stop worrying about the things you can't control and live in the moment!

Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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