Bach Flower Advice

5 tips to survive autumn healthily

5 tips to survive autumn healthily

We simply can’t avoid noticing the changes all around us.

Autumn is here...

Autumn is also called a transitional season. Slowly and steadily, it prepares us for the transition from the long, warm days to the colder and shorter days of winter.

Not everybody is equally as happy with these changes!



5 Tips to survive autumn

Doctors notice at this time of the year that their waiting rooms become more crowded than during summer. A lot of people really dislike this season.However, you can survive autumn by following a few simple tips.

  1. Citrus fruitsMake sure you've got a good resistance to the cold weather. You can do this by eating citrus fruit. Also, vegetables like Brussels' sprouts, broccoli and kale give your body a vitamin shot. And we can all use this these days.
  2. Eat in colours. It sounds weird, but it has been proven that your body thrives when eating substances that have warm, earthly colours. And for this, nature doesn't let us down. During this season, lots of vegetables that have deep, warm colours are available: pumpkin, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots ....
  3. Update your immune system. By eating dairy products like yoghurt, we help our immune systems. With a healthy colonic flora, you're on the way to growing stronger.
  4. Autumn walkDon't lock yourself in. Autumn is the season to start cocooning. There's nothing wrong with that. But there's a lingering danger of losing our social contacts. It's also always more satisfying cocooning after a solid autumn walk.
  5. Rest sufficiently. In the darker days, we simply need more rest. Sleeping in longer doesn't enable you to be better rested. On the contrary, it's recommended to go to sleep earlier and also to get up earlier. This way, you adjust your life rhythm to the sunlight.



Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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5 tips to survive autumn healthily

5 tips to survive autumn healthily
5 tips to survive autumn healthily

We simply can’t avoid noticing the changes all around us.

Autumn is here...

Autumn is also called a transitional season. Slowly and steadily, it prepares us for the transition from the long, warm days to the colder and shorter days of winter.

Not everybody is equally as happy with these changes!



5 Tips to survive autumn

Doctors notice at this time of the year that their waiting rooms become more crowded than during summer. A lot of people really dislike this season.However, you can survive autumn by following a few simple tips.

  1. Citrus fruitsMake sure you've got a good resistance to the cold weather. You can do this by eating citrus fruit. Also, vegetables like Brussels' sprouts, broccoli and kale give your body a vitamin shot. And we can all use this these days.
  2. Eat in colours. It sounds weird, but it has been proven that your body thrives when eating substances that have warm, earthly colours. And for this, nature doesn't let us down. During this season, lots of vegetables that have deep, warm colours are available: pumpkin, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots ....
  3. Update your immune system. By eating dairy products like yoghurt, we help our immune systems. With a healthy colonic flora, you're on the way to growing stronger.
  4. Autumn walkDon't lock yourself in. Autumn is the season to start cocooning. There's nothing wrong with that. But there's a lingering danger of losing our social contacts. It's also always more satisfying cocooning after a solid autumn walk.
  5. Rest sufficiently. In the darker days, we simply need more rest. Sleeping in longer doesn't enable you to be better rested. On the contrary, it's recommended to go to sleep earlier and also to get up earlier. This way, you adjust your life rhythm to the sunlight.



Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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