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How to stop everything going wrong

How to stop everything going wrong

Do you always feel that everything’s always going wrong? Find out how to stop this cycle of bad thoughts in its tracks. When you think positively, things will start to appear positive and you will eventually feel more positive and optimistic.

There’s no way to prevent bad things happening, but you don't have to let them rule your life. There are many ways to break the cycle of anxiety and fear so that you no longer suffer from them. 

You’ll inevitably encounter heartaches and troubles in your life and sometimes the anxiety and fear that they cause can lead to a feeling of being trapped in an endless whirl of negative thoughts. For some people, this cycle of negativity can severely impact their lives. Whether it’s an overarching sense of anxiety, a specific fear such as fear of flying, or a constant fear that something might happen to a loved one, they worry so much that they avoid doing things and miss many opportunities. 

When everything seems to be going wrong, try some of these tips to help you be more optimistic and positive.

1. Remember: this too shall pass

Work-related problems, money worries, health issues, or relationship difficulties: bad things do indeed happen but very few problems continue throughout a lifetime. When you’re stuck in the middle of a bad patch, remember that it won’t last forever and better times are just around the corner. 

2. Count your blessings - not everything’s going wrong

When everything seems to be going wrong, it’s easy to concentrate on the bad stuff and forget about everything that’s ticking along nicely. When you feel overwhelmed by a problem, pause to reflect for a moment and take a look at your life. This gives you a chance to remind yourself about the good things in it.

3. Focus on what you can control

While you have no control over some of the bad things that happen, there’s one thing you can control: the way you react to these events. Try not to worry about things that are beyond your control but focus on what you can change: the way you respond to negative events. If you have trouble managing your anxiety levels, Bach Flower Mix 85 helps to support your emotional responses and avoid panic attacks.

4. Don't be afraid to ask for help

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by what seems to be an endless cycle of bad things happening, remember that you’re not alone. While it can sometimes be difficult to reach out to people and ask for help, it’s one of the most effective ways of coping with life’s more demanding challenges. When asking for help from friends and family, be honest and specific about the support you need, whether it’s emotional, practical or financial.

5. Will it still seem as much of a worry in a few years?

Remember that whatever the problems that you’re worrying about today, few of them will still seem as important a few years down the road. And even if you’re anxious about something as serious as the illness of a family member, plenty of good things will also still be happening at the same time. Try to keep things in perspective and not get caught up in an endless whirl of bad thoughts.

6. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

The old saying is as true today as it’s always been. A lack of confidence in your ability to handle challenges leads to increased stress and anxiety. Even though you might be feeling disappointed, hurt, angry or sad, you can get through this. If your self-confidence needs a boost, Bach First Aid Remedy is a great way to support your emotional responses in any stressful situation. Always remember that you can handle difficult situations and you’ll get through them more easily. 

7. Look for the silver lining

However difficult a situation might be, it nearly always gives rise to something good. You just need to recognise what this might be. Maybe you made a mistake at work, but it’s one that you won’t make again. Or perhaps you’ve realised that it’s time to move on from a relationship that’s not working. Either way, you’ll have learned a valuable life lesson, a positive result from bad things happening. 

8. Accept the things you can’t control

Constantly worrying and struggling to change things that are beyond your control is exhausting and waste of your time and energy. Whether it’s the illness of a loved one, another person’s destructive behaviour or events in the past, accepting that there are some things you can’t control boosts resilience.

9. Remember the challenges that you’ve overcome

Remembering past events can sometimes be helpful. If you’ve successfully dealt with challenges in your life before, reminding yourself of them will give you more confidence in dealing with any bad things that might be happening now.

10. Look after yourself

When everything always seems to be going wrong, it’s all too easy to neglect the basics of looking after yourself. Try to get some exercise every day, even if it’s just a walk in the fresh air. Eat a healthy diet and try to make time for doing something you enjoy, whether it’s watching your favourite TV show, playing sport or baking. Looking after yourself properly is the first step in feeling optimistic and positive. And once you feel more optimistic, you’ll notice that your life will become be more positive too.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Do you always feel that everything’s always going wrong? Find out how to stop this cycle of bad thoughts in its tracks. When you think positively, things will start to appear positive and you will eventually feel more positive and optimistic.

There’s no way to prevent bad things happening, but you don't have to let them rule your life. There are many ways to break the cycle of anxiety and fear so that you no longer suffer from them. 

You’ll inevitably encounter heartaches and troubles in your life and sometimes the anxiety and fear that they cause can lead to a feeling of being trapped in an endless whirl of negative thoughts. For some people, this cycle of negativity can severely impact their lives. Whether it’s an overarching sense of anxiety, a specific fear such as fear of flying, or a constant fear that something might happen to a loved one, they worry so much that they avoid doing things and miss many opportunities. 

Bach flowers personal mix

Bach flowers personal mix:

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  • Fast and good results
Discover how Personal Bach flowers remedy - Wizard can help you

When everything seems to be going wrong, try some of these tips to help you be more optimistic and positive.

1. Remember: this too shall pass

Work-related problems, money worries, health issues, or relationship difficulties: bad things do indeed happen but very few problems continue throughout a lifetime. When you’re stuck in the middle of a bad patch, remember that it won’t last forever and better times are just around the corner. 

2. Count your blessings - not everything’s going wrong

When everything seems to be going wrong, it’s easy to concentrate on the bad stuff and forget about everything that’s ticking along nicely. When you feel overwhelmed by a problem, pause to reflect for a moment and take a look at your life. This gives you a chance to remind yourself about the good things in it.

3. Focus on what you can control

While you have no control over some of the bad things that happen, there’s one thing you can control: the way you react to these events. Try not to worry about things that are beyond your control but focus on what you can change: the way you respond to negative events. If you have trouble managing your anxiety levels, Bach Flower Mix 85 helps to support your emotional responses and avoid panic attacks.

4. Don't be afraid to ask for help

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by what seems to be an endless cycle of bad things happening, remember that you’re not alone. While it can sometimes be difficult to reach out to people and ask for help, it’s one of the most effective ways of coping with life’s more demanding challenges. When asking for help from friends and family, be honest and specific about the support you need, whether it’s emotional, practical or financial.

5. Will it still seem as much of a worry in a few years?

Remember that whatever the problems that you’re worrying about today, few of them will still seem as important a few years down the road. And even if you’re anxious about something as serious as the illness of a family member, plenty of good things will also still be happening at the same time. Try to keep things in perspective and not get caught up in an endless whirl of bad thoughts.

6. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

The old saying is as true today as it’s always been. A lack of confidence in your ability to handle challenges leads to increased stress and anxiety. Even though you might be feeling disappointed, hurt, angry or sad, you can get through this. If your self-confidence needs a boost, Bach First Aid Remedy is a great way to support your emotional responses in any stressful situation. Always remember that you can handle difficult situations and you’ll get through them more easily. 

7. Look for the silver lining

However difficult a situation might be, it nearly always gives rise to something good. You just need to recognise what this might be. Maybe you made a mistake at work, but it’s one that you won’t make again. Or perhaps you’ve realised that it’s time to move on from a relationship that’s not working. Either way, you’ll have learned a valuable life lesson, a positive result from bad things happening. 

8. Accept the things you can’t control

Constantly worrying and struggling to change things that are beyond your control is exhausting and waste of your time and energy. Whether it’s the illness of a loved one, another person’s destructive behaviour or events in the past, accepting that there are some things you can’t control boosts resilience.

9. Remember the challenges that you’ve overcome

Remembering past events can sometimes be helpful. If you’ve successfully dealt with challenges in your life before, reminding yourself of them will give you more confidence in dealing with any bad things that might be happening now.

10. Look after yourself

When everything always seems to be going wrong, it’s all too easy to neglect the basics of looking after yourself. Try to get some exercise every day, even if it’s just a walk in the fresh air. Eat a healthy diet and try to make time for doing something you enjoy, whether it’s watching your favourite TV show, playing sport or baking. Looking after yourself properly is the first step in feeling optimistic and positive. And once you feel more optimistic, you’ll notice that your life will become be more positive too.

Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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