10 signs that you are sliding into depression

10 signs that you are sliding into depression
10 signs that you are sliding into depression

At any time in our lives, we may feel blue, or a little sad. This is totally normal and nothing to worry about. Occasionally however, certain emotions seem to get a grip of us, and before we know it we have become depressed and our feelings of hopelessness and despair have taken hold of us and won’t let go. Once we find ourselves at that stage, it can be a long and complicated road to recovery, full of ups and downs, so as far as possible it is important to try to avoid depression in the first place.

People with depression find life tough and difficult to enjoy. They feel a huge disconnect with the world. On one level they can see that there is hope and beauty all around, but on the other, they just can’t stop feeling down. You can avoid this by noting the signs to look out for if there is a chance you could be sliding into depression, and act before it is too late.

Our 10 signs that you are sliding into depression

1. Depression is different for every individual, so there is no chance that you will have all of these signs and symptoms. But you will probably find that your emotions will be particularly unstable and changeable. Do you recognise any of these, for example?

  • Do you have a general feeling of impending doom?
  • A sense of emptiness
  • Anger
  • Restlessness
  • Hopelessness

2. Do you struggle with everyday life? The things that you generally love to do don’t seem as pleasurable, or you can’t be bothered anymore. This might include hobbies, or social activities, sport or sex. You can’t seem to feel joy anymore.

3. Change in your appetite? With some people who are heading into depression, the appetite disappears and they lose weight. Others tend to comfort eat and put weight on. If you notice a loss or gain, you could be seeing the early stages of depression.

4. You may start to try and escape life. Playing computer games for hours and hours, or drinking more, taking drugs, watching TV endlessly: these are all classic escapism strategies that can indicate depression.

5. Trouble with your sleep patterns is a classic sign of depression. You may find that you suffer with insomnia. This can take the form of struggling to get to sleep, or trouble staying asleep. You may wake up several times in the night, or suffer with night panics.

6. This in turn can lead to a loss of energy. You may feel constantly tired and sluggish, with heavy limbs and head. You’ll have no interest in doing anything because you lack the energy.

7. A lack of sleep will also exacerbate any concentration problems you may be experiencing. If you struggle to stay focused and concentrate on a task in hand, this is a classic sign of depression.

8. Your tolerance levels may be lower than they normally are. You may find yourself in a bad mood more often, shouting or snapping more than usual. If everything and everyone is getting on your nerves, this can be a sign of depression.

9. You don’t particularly like yourself. You may not be able to put your finger on why, but all of a sudden you are experiencing feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness or guilt. You criticize yourself and judge yourself harshly.

10. You may have unexplained physical symptoms such as aches and pains, headaches, stomach aches etc.

If any of these signs and symptoms fit the bill for you, it is important that you discuss your issues with a professional and get the help you need, before things become worse.

Marie Pure

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