Are you truly happy? – Take the test!

Are you truly happy? – Take the test!
are you really happy

Are you happy?

By using our test you can find out now, if you are happy or not. Just answer to all questions honestly and write the letter of your answers down. At the end of the test you will find the summary which tells you more about your personal happiness. Let’s go! 

1. Laughing

When was the last time you laughed? A joke, a funny accident or a something funny was said – laughing connects us and provides common positive experiences. What about you, how often do you laugh?

a) I laugh almost every day.

b) It happens sometimes, mostly with friends or family.

c) It must have been a while, I cannot remember.

2. Crying

Everybody feels sad or blue sometimes. That’s completely normal, it’s not all sunshine and lollipops all the time. But it is important not to suppress our feelings. How often do you cry?

a) I cry from time to time, if I see something heartbreaking.

b) It’s been a while since I cried.

c) Crying? Me? Crying is for kids.

3. Work and profession

If you’re not born with a silver spoon, we all have to work to cover our life expenses. Unfortunately, not all of us can do this being a supermodel or celebrity. We have to wake up in the morning and go to work. What do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

a) You are happy about the new day and all the possibilities in it.

b) You are tired and listless, but after having a breakfast and tea or coffee you can take on the world.

c) It’s horrible, nights end so fast and you hope to survive just another day.

4. Social Life

Most of us spend our leisure time together with family, friends or other people close to us. We enjoy the afternoon when we come home from work. How do you feel when you come home?

a) When I come home from work, I am happy to see my family, my partner and/or my kids.  

b) I live alone, but honestly I am busy every afternoon.

c) After work, I feel exhausted and bored. Sometimes I spend more time in office just not to come home too early as I do not know what to do there.

5. Food and Wellbeing

Healthy food is a great way to increase your wellbeing. If we eat too much fatty foods, too much meat and not enough fresh food, we feel lazy and down. Some foods even help us to feel better and increase our mood, i.e. chocolate (not too much!), legumes, bananas, pine, potatoes, bread and many more. What do you eat?

a) I do my best to eat balanced and healthy.

b) I eat whatever I like to eat.

c) I’m happy as long as I have enough food every day, paying too much attention to healthy foods is too costly and takes too much time.

6. Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs

The use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs is common in our modern society. These substances bring us stress relief and help our mood – temporarily. On the long term, they destroy our body and our health. Of course, drinking a glass of wine once in a while doesn’t do any harm. But if you cannot sleep anymore without having a certain level of intake, this is problematic. What are your thoughts about this? 

a) I don’t need this in my life at all.

b) Well, when going out it helps me to enjoy it all more.

c) It is hard for me to keep control over it.

7. Nature and Environment

Imagine you walk through a forest and see an animal family with new born pups or cubs. What do you feel?

a) I get all warm inside for seeing such a cute miracle of nature.

b) I try to not disturb them.

c)  I don’t care at all, animals and nature are not interesting to me.

8. Relationship and Partner

Have you ever fallen in love? Have you ever experienced these feelings? How do you think about love?

a) I know what you mean, this is exactly the way I feel now.

b) I am happy in my relationship.

c) I don’t believe in love.

9. The Past

If you think about your past, your childhood, your youth and everything that happened since then –  how do you feel about it?

a) Of course I would make some other decisions if I could repeat it, but everything is fine now as it is.

b) My life will never be as beautiful again.

c) I’m so happy that those times have passed.

10. Future

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you think, how will your life continue? If you have to chose one word to describe your feelings towards your future, which word would you chose?

a) Joy

b) Hope

c) Fear

Did you answer to all questions? Here is the summary:

- Every answer you marked with “a“ gets 3 points.

- Every answer you marked with “b“ gets 2 points.

- Every answer you marked with “c“ gets 1 point.

Now compare your result with our explanations:

26 – 30 points:

Congratulations! You did everything right and you feel happy obviously. Nobody needs to tell you about luck – you feel lucky as it is! You know how it feels to have a good life. No need to worry, the sun will always shine for you. 

20 – 26 points:

Okay some things could be better, but your life is a success story. No big changes are needed, you have everything under control and you are able to improve it on your own, where necessary. You are doing fine, and this won’t change in the near future.

16 – 20 points:

Better times will come. Maybe your personal luck is not in its best state at the moment, but this depends on you: Go out and meet other people, try to work out and move your body and keep attention to what you eat. Try to pick up contact with someone you haven’t heard in a while. Now is the moment to do so. Don’t forget to take care of yourself! Go shopping, take a relaxing bath or just take a walk through the park. This helps to increase your mood, to free your thoughts and to recharge your energy. You can do it, don’t hesitate!

10-15 points:

The good news is: By answering all our questions you’ve taken the first step, which is to accept your own situation. Now you have to find the way out. Maybe you are overcritical towards yourself? Best thing would be to seek for professional help. You cannot solve every problem on our own. Maybe this is going to take some time, but sooner or later you will see the light again. You’re the most important person in your life. Do not let yourself go, stay active! And if you still see no way out at all, don’t hesitate and get some help! 

Marie Pure

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