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Bach flowers mix 62

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When do you know you have a drinking problem?

When do you know you have a drinking problem

Many people enjoy a drink, and most of us choose just to enjoy a social drink now and again. Perhaps we’ll share a bottle of wine with a friend one evening a week, or have a glass after dinner. On special occasions we go out and enjoy a little more. This is all harmless. But what happens when the occasional glass of wine, or pint after work, becomes a regular occurrence? When do you know that your drinking has crossed the line from something moderate you do socially, to something that is more of a problem?

The thing is, the effect of the amount we drink will vary according to the individual. Some of us can drink more than others and it causes no real harm in the short term, so it’s difficult to figure out where to draw your own line is between social drinking and problem drinking. You have to consider whether the amount YOU drink causes problems for you or not.

Alcoholism, and alcohol abuse, can sometimes sneak up on you while your attention is elsewhere. You need to take note of the warning signs. Sometimes these can be quite subtle and you might not notice you have a drinking problem Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for.

Signs you have a drinking problem

Do you feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking?

Are you hiding how much you drink – perhaps getting rid of the bottles or cans before anyone else notices?

Has anyone expressed concern to you about how much you drink?

When you want to relax, do you automatically reach for a drink of something? Is having a drink the only way you can relax?

Are you unhappy if you go somewhere and there is no alcohol available?

When you're sober, do you regret some of the things you did or said while drinking?

Have you ever drunk so much that you have forgotten what you did or said while you were drinking.

Do you start off with the best of intentions, aiming to have just a glass or so, and then drink far more than you intended.

Do you drink heavily when you feel disappointed, or you’re stressed, or you’re unhappy with someone?

Do you drink and drive? Do you drink and operate machinery? Do you drink even though you shouldn’t because you are taking prescribed medication?

Is your drinking affecting your interaction with others? Do you get into fights? Do you fall out with friends? Does your partner get upset? Do your children avoid you?

Are you having to increase the amount you drink, just so you can get a buzz? Can you drink much more than other people?

Do you usually want to continue drinking even after your friends say they've had enough?

Do you sometimes binge drink for days at a time?

Do you have any physical symptoms of withdrawal? For example, when you are sober do you have any of the following:

  • Anxiety, nerviness or depression
  • The shakes or trembling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Inability to sleep
  • Irritable mood
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

Do you want to give up drinking, and have tried, but the lure is too strong?

Are you neglecting your responsibilities, whether these are at work, home or socially? This may be because you are drinking, or because you are recovering from a drinking bout.  

Do you blame others? A partner who doesn’t understand you, your boss, your parents?

What to do next

You may be abusing alcohol – by having too much too regularly for example, but you don’t consider yourself an alcoholic. The problem is that the step between the two is quite small. It may take one change in your life and you’ll head into a downward spiral. You might have a bereavement, a relationship break-up, a job loss or some other trauma. Will you be able to reign in your excesses? You are at serious risk.

If you rationalize your drinking habits, lie about them, or refuse point blank to discuss the subject, then seriously consider what is going on. Admitting you have a problem is the very first step – you’ll need courage and strength to face this head on, but support is out there – grab it with both hands.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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When do you know you have a drinking problem?

When do you know you have a drinking problem?
When do you know you have a drinking problem

Many people enjoy a drink, and most of us choose just to enjoy a social drink now and again. Perhaps we’ll share a bottle of wine with a friend one evening a week, or have a glass after dinner. On special occasions we go out and enjoy a little more. This is all harmless. But what happens when the occasional glass of wine, or pint after work, becomes a regular occurrence? When do you know that your drinking has crossed the line from something moderate you do socially, to something that is more of a problem?

The thing is, the effect of the amount we drink will vary according to the individual. Some of us can drink more than others and it causes no real harm in the short term, so it’s difficult to figure out where to draw your own line is between social drinking and problem drinking. You have to consider whether the amount YOU drink causes problems for you or not.

Alcoholism, and alcohol abuse, can sometimes sneak up on you while your attention is elsewhere. You need to take note of the warning signs. Sometimes these can be quite subtle and you might not notice you have a drinking problem Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for.

Signs you have a drinking problem

Do you feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking?

Are you hiding how much you drink – perhaps getting rid of the bottles or cans before anyone else notices?

Has anyone expressed concern to you about how much you drink?

When you want to relax, do you automatically reach for a drink of something? Is having a drink the only way you can relax?

Are you unhappy if you go somewhere and there is no alcohol available?

When you're sober, do you regret some of the things you did or said while drinking?

Have you ever drunk so much that you have forgotten what you did or said while you were drinking.

Do you start off with the best of intentions, aiming to have just a glass or so, and then drink far more than you intended.

Do you drink heavily when you feel disappointed, or you’re stressed, or you’re unhappy with someone?

Do you drink and drive? Do you drink and operate machinery? Do you drink even though you shouldn’t because you are taking prescribed medication?

Is your drinking affecting your interaction with others? Do you get into fights? Do you fall out with friends? Does your partner get upset? Do your children avoid you?

Are you having to increase the amount you drink, just so you can get a buzz? Can you drink much more than other people?

Do you usually want to continue drinking even after your friends say they've had enough?

Do you sometimes binge drink for days at a time?

Do you have any physical symptoms of withdrawal? For example, when you are sober do you have any of the following:

  • Anxiety, nerviness or depression
  • The shakes or trembling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Inability to sleep
  • Irritable mood
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

Do you want to give up drinking, and have tried, but the lure is too strong?

Are you neglecting your responsibilities, whether these are at work, home or socially? This may be because you are drinking, or because you are recovering from a drinking bout.  

Do you blame others? A partner who doesn’t understand you, your boss, your parents?

What to do next

You may be abusing alcohol – by having too much too regularly for example, but you don’t consider yourself an alcoholic. The problem is that the step between the two is quite small. It may take one change in your life and you’ll head into a downward spiral. You might have a bereavement, a relationship break-up, a job loss or some other trauma. Will you be able to reign in your excesses? You are at serious risk.

If you rationalize your drinking habits, lie about them, or refuse point blank to discuss the subject, then seriously consider what is going on. Admitting you have a problem is the very first step – you’ll need courage and strength to face this head on, but support is out there – grab it with both hands.

Bach flowers mix 62: Change drinking habits

Bach flowers mix 62 helps to:

  • Prevent hallucinations 
  • Find peace and balance without alcohol 
  • Resist the social pressure to drink alcohol 
  • Avoid becoming dejected because of not being able to drink 
  • Become more tolerable and be less irritable
Discover how Bach flowers mix 62 can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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