Bach Flower Advice

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Standing still while everyone goes forward

Standing still while everyone goes forward

Why does it sometimes feel like you're standing still while everyone else is moving forward?

Of course, this isn’t really the truth, but why do we feel like this way and what can we do about it? Here are a few thoughts that will help you to move forward and live the best life you possibly can.

You’re running your own race

It’s a competitive world that we live in; no one would argue with that. But in truth, the race you’re running is against yourself.

It’s as if the person we currently are is competing in a psychic race or tug of war with the person we could potentially be, or who we dream of being. A lack of confidence or self-doubt sometimes creates a barrier that stops us from achieving our goals and becoming the person we want to be.

Self-doubt is a part of being human, and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. A little self-doubt can be positive as it stops you from being too reckless. But too much self-doubt leads you to sell yourself short. When you doubt yourself and your abilities, Bach Flower Mix 44 helps to boost self-confidence and reduces performance anxiety.

Ignore that inner critic who tells you that you’re not good enough and focus on your goal. Surround yourself with positive friends who boost your confidence and try to ignore those who undermine you. Most importantly, break down your goals into small, manageable actions and tick them off as you achieve them.

Be patient

Sometimes, we need to have a little patience. In romantic movies and novels, people find their life partner by falling in love at first sight, but this is certainly not always the case in real life. You might dream of becoming a star by winning a talent show, and of course, this is possible. But it’s much more likely that celebrities at the top of their profession have achieved their stardom only after years of hard work.

You might need to give things time. Work hard and persevere, you’ll achieve your goals in the end.

Make a plan

Maybe you feel your life isn’t progressing as you had expected it to? But do you know exactly what you want?

Have you defined your goals and drawn up a plan for achieving them? Have you broken down your aims into smaller goals that are more easily achievable, and are you working towards making them a reality every day?

Or are you secretly hoping that your dreams will simply drop into your lap without any effort on your part? It takes hard work and bravery to win many of the best things in life. Take action - step up and steer your life the way you want it to go. If you sit around waiting for things to fall into place, you might have a long wait!

Accept that your life might be different

Maybe your life is moving forward, but just not in the same direction as others. Perhaps you’ll be taking a different path.

For example, you may love your job even though it doesn’t pay very well. It allows you a good work-life balance, so you stick at it. You see others forging ahead in their careers and doing much better financially. But high levels of stress often go alongside a high-flying career. You’ve made the right choice for you by choosing a job that suits your personality and circumstances.

The point here is to understand that it’s okay to follow another path. Everyone’s different, and not everyone wants the same things in life. Your turn may come in the end, but it might not be in the way you imagined it.

Things aren’t always what they seem from the outside

If you’re secretly envious of someone else’s seemingly perfect life, remember that everyone has their own challenges to face.

Don't constantly compare your life to what you see others posting on social media. People tend to show only the positive aspects of their lives, so you see pictures of holiday memories, nights out and happy family gatherings. But you’ll never know what else might be going on behind the scenes.

Social media is all-pervasive these days, and many of us are overly attached to our smartphones. If comparing yourself with others is causing you to doubt yourself, try switching off your devices or consider taking a break from social media altogether.

Be happy in the moment

In stressful times, it’s easy to become trapped in a cycle of negative thinking. To boost your concentration and allow you to move forward, Bach Flower Super Mix 5 addresses the problems often associated with stress, such as self-doubt, anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia.

The reality is that you probably are making progress, but when you compare yourself to others, it can trigger negative thoughts that hamper your path to success.

In the end, it’s all about being mindful and making the most of where you now. Focus on your aims, strive to make them happen, and don't waste time and energy comparing your progress to other people’s.

Believe that your skills and abilities will allow you to move forward. Discover your own path, whatever it may be, and go forward with optimism, strength and courage.


Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Standing still while everyone goes forward

Standing still while everyone goes forward
Standing still while everyone goes forward

Why does it sometimes feel like you're standing still while everyone else is moving forward?

Of course, this isn’t really the truth, but why do we feel like this way and what can we do about it? Here are a few thoughts that will help you to move forward and live the best life you possibly can.

Bach flowers personal mix

Bach flowers personal mix:

  • Personal combination
  • Based on your symptoms and character
  • Bach flower remedy personally selected by Tom
  • Fast and good results
Discover how Personal Bach flowers remedy - Wizard can help you

You’re running your own race

It’s a competitive world that we live in; no one would argue with that. But in truth, the race you’re running is against yourself.

It’s as if the person we currently are is competing in a psychic race or tug of war with the person we could potentially be, or who we dream of being. A lack of confidence or self-doubt sometimes creates a barrier that stops us from achieving our goals and becoming the person we want to be.

Self-doubt is a part of being human, and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. A little self-doubt can be positive as it stops you from being too reckless. But too much self-doubt leads you to sell yourself short. When you doubt yourself and your abilities, Bach Flower Mix 44 helps to boost self-confidence and reduces performance anxiety.

Ignore that inner critic who tells you that you’re not good enough and focus on your goal. Surround yourself with positive friends who boost your confidence and try to ignore those who undermine you. Most importantly, break down your goals into small, manageable actions and tick them off as you achieve them.

Be patient

Sometimes, we need to have a little patience. In romantic movies and novels, people find their life partner by falling in love at first sight, but this is certainly not always the case in real life. You might dream of becoming a star by winning a talent show, and of course, this is possible. But it’s much more likely that celebrities at the top of their profession have achieved their stardom only after years of hard work.

You might need to give things time. Work hard and persevere, you’ll achieve your goals in the end.

Make a plan

Maybe you feel your life isn’t progressing as you had expected it to? But do you know exactly what you want?

Have you defined your goals and drawn up a plan for achieving them? Have you broken down your aims into smaller goals that are more easily achievable, and are you working towards making them a reality every day?

Or are you secretly hoping that your dreams will simply drop into your lap without any effort on your part? It takes hard work and bravery to win many of the best things in life. Take action - step up and steer your life the way you want it to go. If you sit around waiting for things to fall into place, you might have a long wait!

Accept that your life might be different

Maybe your life is moving forward, but just not in the same direction as others. Perhaps you’ll be taking a different path.

For example, you may love your job even though it doesn’t pay very well. It allows you a good work-life balance, so you stick at it. You see others forging ahead in their careers and doing much better financially. But high levels of stress often go alongside a high-flying career. You’ve made the right choice for you by choosing a job that suits your personality and circumstances.

The point here is to understand that it’s okay to follow another path. Everyone’s different, and not everyone wants the same things in life. Your turn may come in the end, but it might not be in the way you imagined it.

Things aren’t always what they seem from the outside

If you’re secretly envious of someone else’s seemingly perfect life, remember that everyone has their own challenges to face.

Don't constantly compare your life to what you see others posting on social media. People tend to show only the positive aspects of their lives, so you see pictures of holiday memories, nights out and happy family gatherings. But you’ll never know what else might be going on behind the scenes.

Social media is all-pervasive these days, and many of us are overly attached to our smartphones. If comparing yourself with others is causing you to doubt yourself, try switching off your devices or consider taking a break from social media altogether.

Be happy in the moment

In stressful times, it’s easy to become trapped in a cycle of negative thinking. To boost your concentration and allow you to move forward, Bach Flower Super Mix 5 addresses the problems often associated with stress, such as self-doubt, anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia.

The reality is that you probably are making progress, but when you compare yourself to others, it can trigger negative thoughts that hamper your path to success.

In the end, it’s all about being mindful and making the most of where you now. Focus on your aims, strive to make them happen, and don't waste time and energy comparing your progress to other people’s.

Believe that your skills and abilities will allow you to move forward. Discover your own path, whatever it may be, and go forward with optimism, strength and courage.


Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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