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The Bach Flower Essence Impatiens helps to treat individuals who suffer from being impatient. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Impatiens aids in balancing the mind’s energies, so we no longer struggle to find patience. Becoming more well-balanced will lead to a happier and more contented life.
Bach Flower Essence Impatiens is of benefit to those who are impatient. This essence aids us in taking a more relaxed approach with other people. It calms the mind and enables us to deal with others in a more positive and fruitful manner. Someone in an Impatiens state will appear to be always in a rush. These people are often viewed by others as lacking in self-control. They may be snappy and anxious which can make them difficult to deal with. If you or someone you know seems irritable all the time and is always telling you to ‘hurry up!’ then Bach Flower Essence Impatiens can help.
Archetypal Impatiens people tend to live life in the fast lane. The Impatiens type talks quickly, thinks fast, and will view any hesitation from others as weakness. Although anyone can become impatient, the Impatiens person will often feel that others are holding them back. People around this person will feel that the individual lacks self-control. Problems start to occur when others begin to feel the strain. When faced with this pressure to perform, some people make mistakes and this leads to further problems further down the line. The irritability and frustration associated with the Impatiens state is typically the cause of conflict with colleagues, friends and loved ones. To avoid such conflict, Impatiens people tend to spend much time alone. As Impatiens individuals find methodical people irritating, they will typically choose to work alone instead as part of a team. If you have a boss who sends staff home early so they can work faster alone, it is likely that they are an Impatiens type.
Through using this essence, you can find a solution for controlling impatience and irritability. With a newfound inner calm, you can re-gain your self-control leaving bitterness and frustration behind you. Agitated feelings and thinking will no longer hamper you in your dealings with others. By following the recommended daily dosage, you will no longer feel that slower individuals are holding you back. Soon you will find you can accomplish things you never thought were possible as you adapt to new situations with others that you found challenging in the past. Dr. Bach incorporated Impatiens essence into his “crisis formula”. When people experience a terrible shock or trauma, they tend to see life in very black and white terms. Bach Flower Essence Impatiens helps to calm the mind, bringing about balance and positive change. Discover new self-control and leave impatience behind with Bach Flower Essence Impatiens.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Bach Flower Essence Rock Rose (Cistaceae)
Bach Flower Essence Rock Rose treats feelings of terror.
Bach Flower Essence Mimulus (Mimulus guttatus)
Bach Flower Essence Mimulus helps control everyday fears.
Bach Flower Essence Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
Bach Flower Essence Chicory helps individuals to love unselfishly.
Bach Flower Essence Centaury (Centaurium erythaea)
The Bach Flower Essence Centaury can help people who find it difficult to say ‘no’.
Bach Flower Essence Beech is used to treat intolerance
The Bach Flower Essence Beech is a natural way to treat people who lack tolerance for others. Beech types become suspicious when they are confronted with someone they view as ‘different’.
Bach Flower Essence Willow treats bitterness and self-pity
The Bach Flower Essence Willow is effective in treating those who tend to wallow in self-pity.
Bach Flower Essence Oak is used to treat stubbornness
The Bach Flower Essence Oak is an effective way to treat those who continue to keep going even when they are completely exhausted.
Bach Flower Essence Chestnut bud treats people who can’t learn from their mistakes
The Bach Flower Essence Chestnut Bud is a natural way to treat individuals who find it impossible to learn from past mistakes.
Bach Flower Essence Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Bach Flower Essence Agrimony is useful in situations where a person feels they must put on a brave face even though they are hurting inside. Behind the cheerful mask is a tortured mind.
Bach Flower Essence Larch (Larix deciua)
Bach Flower Essence Larch boosts self-confidence.
The Bach Flower Essence Impatiens helps to treat individuals who suffer from being impatient. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Impatiens aids in balancing the mind’s energies, so we no longer struggle to find patience. Becoming more well-balanced will lead to a happier and more contented life.
Bach Flower Essence Impatiens is of benefit to those who are impatient. This essence aids us in taking a more relaxed approach with other people. It calms the mind and enables us to deal with others in a more positive and fruitful manner. Someone in an Impatiens state will appear to be always in a rush. These people are often viewed by others as lacking in self-control. They may be snappy and anxious which can make them difficult to deal with. If you or someone you know seems irritable all the time and is always telling you to ‘hurry up!’ then Bach Flower Essence Impatiens can help.
Archetypal Impatiens people tend to live life in the fast lane. The Impatiens type talks quickly, thinks fast, and will view any hesitation from others as weakness. Although anyone can become impatient, the Impatiens person will often feel that others are holding them back. People around this person will feel that the individual lacks self-control. Problems start to occur when others begin to feel the strain. When faced with this pressure to perform, some people make mistakes and this leads to further problems further down the line. The irritability and frustration associated with the Impatiens state is typically the cause of conflict with colleagues, friends and loved ones. To avoid such conflict, Impatiens people tend to spend much time alone. As Impatiens individuals find methodical people irritating, they will typically choose to work alone instead as part of a team. If you have a boss who sends staff home early so they can work faster alone, it is likely that they are an Impatiens type.
Through using this essence, you can find a solution for controlling impatience and irritability. With a newfound inner calm, you can re-gain your self-control leaving bitterness and frustration behind you. Agitated feelings and thinking will no longer hamper you in your dealings with others. By following the recommended daily dosage, you will no longer feel that slower individuals are holding you back. Soon you will find you can accomplish things you never thought were possible as you adapt to new situations with others that you found challenging in the past. Dr. Bach incorporated Impatiens essence into his “crisis formula”. When people experience a terrible shock or trauma, they tend to see life in very black and white terms. Bach Flower Essence Impatiens helps to calm the mind, bringing about balance and positive change. Discover new self-control and leave impatience behind with Bach Flower Essence Impatiens.
Bach Flower Essence Rock Rose treats feelings of terror.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Essence Mimulus helps control everyday fears.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Essence Chicory helps individuals to love unselfishly.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Centaury can help people who find it difficult to say ‘no’.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Beech is a natural way to treat people who lack tolerance for others. Beech types become suspicious when they are confronted with someone they view as ‘different’.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Willow is effective in treating those who tend to wallow in self-pity.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Oak is an effective way to treat those who continue to keep going even when they are completely exhausted.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Chestnut Bud is a natural way to treat individuals who find it impossible to learn from past mistakes.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Essence Agrimony is useful in situations where a person feels they must put on a brave face even though they are hurting inside. Behind the cheerful mask is a tortured mind.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Essence Larch boosts self-confidence.
Read the complete articleBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.