Bach Flower Advice

Bach flower Red Chestnut

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Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut treats over-concern

Bach flower Red Chestnut

Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut (Aesculus camea)

The Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is a natural remedy for individuals who worry too much about people they love. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut helps us to take a more relaxed attitude to life. The essence acts to bring about positive change so we are able to end out calm, soothing messages to our loved ones.

Say goodbye to over-concern with Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut.

Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is of benefit to people who have forgotten how to put themselves first because they are constantly worried, anxious and fearful. They continually worry about the welfare of others and have no time left to consider their own needs and wishes as a consequence. The Red Chestnut state causes a person worry about loved ones so much that they become anxious and fearful that something bad may happen. This anxiety and fear can become infectious to such a degree that it negatively affects others, impacting on their confidence and self-belief. If you or someone you know seems over-concerned with someone’s welfare to the point that they become terrified, Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut can help.

Situations Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut can help with:

The fears experienced by the Red Chestnut archetype are rooted in everyday concerns. For example, a mother may worry too much about what will happen to her children at school. A Red Chestnut wife will become terrified when her husband is 35 minutes late home from work at the office. In these situations, the person feels that something terrible is going to happen or has already happened. While in this state, an individual will experience the sense of dread magnified out of all proportion to the actual threat in reality. This has a negative psychological impact on loved ones who may also become anxious and fearful. They may start to lack self-confidence and stop believing in themselves. People around the Chestnut type may decide that they can’t talk about their problems because they are afraid how the person is going to react. Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is known to have a calming effect in this type of situation. It helps to ground us and keep fears in perspective.

Using Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut to break the cycle:

Through using this essence, you can break the cycle of negative thinking affecting your life. By following the recommended daily dosage, you can leave fears behind you and move into a calmer, more fulfilling existence. You’ll soon find you have more time to focus on your own needs and ambitions. The people closest to you will feel they can confide in you without being afraid of how you are going to react. Life becomes more enjoyable again as you are able to see things from a new perspective. Learn to leave fear in the past and stop worrying so much with Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut treats over-concern

Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut treats over-concern
Bach flower Red Chestnut

Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut (Aesculus camea)

The Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is a natural remedy for individuals who worry too much about people they love. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut helps us to take a more relaxed attitude to life. The essence acts to bring about positive change so we are able to end out calm, soothing messages to our loved ones.

Say goodbye to over-concern with Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut.

Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is of benefit to people who have forgotten how to put themselves first because they are constantly worried, anxious and fearful. They continually worry about the welfare of others and have no time left to consider their own needs and wishes as a consequence. The Red Chestnut state causes a person worry about loved ones so much that they become anxious and fearful that something bad may happen. This anxiety and fear can become infectious to such a degree that it negatively affects others, impacting on their confidence and self-belief. If you or someone you know seems over-concerned with someone’s welfare to the point that they become terrified, Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut can help.

Situations Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut can help with:

The fears experienced by the Red Chestnut archetype are rooted in everyday concerns. For example, a mother may worry too much about what will happen to her children at school. A Red Chestnut wife will become terrified when her husband is 35 minutes late home from work at the office. In these situations, the person feels that something terrible is going to happen or has already happened. While in this state, an individual will experience the sense of dread magnified out of all proportion to the actual threat in reality. This has a negative psychological impact on loved ones who may also become anxious and fearful. They may start to lack self-confidence and stop believing in themselves. People around the Chestnut type may decide that they can’t talk about their problems because they are afraid how the person is going to react. Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is known to have a calming effect in this type of situation. It helps to ground us and keep fears in perspective.

Using Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut to break the cycle:

Through using this essence, you can break the cycle of negative thinking affecting your life. By following the recommended daily dosage, you can leave fears behind you and move into a calmer, more fulfilling existence. You’ll soon find you have more time to focus on your own needs and ambitions. The people closest to you will feel they can confide in you without being afraid of how you are going to react. Life becomes more enjoyable again as you are able to see things from a new perspective. Learn to leave fear in the past and stop worrying so much with Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut.

Bach flower number 25: Red Chestnut

Bach flower Red Chestnut helps with:

  • Being afraid something might happen to your loved
  • Being overprotective of your loved ones
  • Being overly worried about loved ones, friends and acquaintances
  • Being extremely afraid for others
  • Being able to give freedom to others
Discover how Bach flower Red Chestnut can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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