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Are you living with a hurricane?
Does your child have too much energy?
It can be incredibly trying as a parent to have a child who just never sits still, and frustrating too, if his or her behaviour affects others.
So how do you know whether the amount of energy your child has can be considered normal, or abnormal?
All children are agile and energetic, so what’s the difference? Take our test and find out.
The test is a little tongue in cheek, but if you recognise what’s at the heart of these challenges, you may be feeling overwhelmed.
The thing about an over-energetic child is that their over-exuberance can depend on a parent’s subjectivity. You may be happier with boisterous behaviour than your neighbour, for example. If you compare your child to their classmates, how do they fare? If your child’s behaviour is not causing stress or upset to themselves or to others, it may just be normal behaviour at this stage of their development. If you have your doubts you should discuss your child’s energy levels with a teacher or medical professional.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
5 Signs of narcissistic perversion
Narcissism is a term we often see these days. But what does it mean? It's used to describe a person who is full of themselves or overly vain. However, it's not really about self-love.
What are your aims in life? Do you plan to be rich, to be a top footballer, to be a good parent, or to become Prime Minister? However efficiently you plan your life, sooner or later you are going to come up against obstacles to achieving your goals.
Feel like everyone takes you for granted? Whether it's working late to prepare a presentation or cooking a special birthday meal for your partner, it's nice to be appreciated when you've made an extra effort. And if it seems as if people don't notice, you might feel as if no one values you.
It's often difficult to say no, but some people never do! So how do you know when to say no and when to say yes?
Do you think too much? Or too little?
Feel like you overthink too much? Having a hard time making decisions? Or feel like you don’t consider your options enough? Find out how to strike a balance.
Stop procrastinating right now and do something!
Read some tips to get the challenge you're thinking about out of the way. Now is the time to do something, you can start right now. Read on to know more!
Why a life without stress and obstacles is unrewarding
Stress can be both good and bad; it’s up to you how you look at it. But too much stress can be dangerous. Read more about stress in this article!
What makes it so hard to go back to school?
Going back to school during a pandemic is a new experience for everyone, and it's understandable if children are feeling anxious about it. We take a look at some of the issues and how you can help your child to get ready for returning to the classroom.
Tips to balance your negative aspects
Everyone is unique, even in their own bad habits or negative traits. Here are some tips to balance those negative traits in our new article!
What makes it so hard to go back to work?
Millions of people furloughed for months are now being recalled to work. Others, who have been working from home throughout the lockdown, are returning to the office. And some jobs have simply disappeared: many people are facing redundancy and will soon have to cope with job hunting. Going back to work after an unprecedented length of time at home is quite a challenge.
Are you living with a hurricane?
Does your child have too much energy?
It can be incredibly trying as a parent to have a child who just never sits still, and frustrating too, if his or her behaviour affects others.
So how do you know whether the amount of energy your child has can be considered normal, or abnormal?
All children are agile and energetic, so what’s the difference? Take our test and find out.
The test is a little tongue in cheek, but if you recognise what’s at the heart of these challenges, you may be feeling overwhelmed.
The thing about an over-energetic child is that their over-exuberance can depend on a parent’s subjectivity. You may be happier with boisterous behaviour than your neighbour, for example. If you compare your child to their classmates, how do they fare? If your child’s behaviour is not causing stress or upset to themselves or to others, it may just be normal behaviour at this stage of their development. If you have your doubts you should discuss your child’s energy levels with a teacher or medical professional.
Narcissism is a term we often see these days. But what does it mean? It's used to describe a person who is full of themselves or overly vain. However, it's not really about self-love.
What are your aims in life? Do you plan to be rich, to be a top footballer, to be a good parent, or to become Prime Minister? However efficiently you plan your life, sooner or later you are going to come up against obstacles to achieving your goals.
Feel like everyone takes you for granted? Whether it's working late to prepare a presentation or cooking a special birthday meal for your partner, it's nice to be appreciated when you've made an extra effort. And if it seems as if people don't notice, you might feel as if no one values you.
Read the complete articleIt's often difficult to say no, but some people never do! So how do you know when to say no and when to say yes?
Feel like you overthink too much? Having a hard time making decisions? Or feel like you don’t consider your options enough? Find out how to strike a balance.
Read some tips to get the challenge you're thinking about out of the way. Now is the time to do something, you can start right now. Read on to know more!
Read the complete articleStress can be both good and bad; it’s up to you how you look at it. But too much stress can be dangerous. Read more about stress in this article!
Read the complete articleGoing back to school during a pandemic is a new experience for everyone, and it's understandable if children are feeling anxious about it. We take a look at some of the issues and how you can help your child to get ready for returning to the classroom.
Everyone is unique, even in their own bad habits or negative traits. Here are some tips to balance those negative traits in our new article!
Millions of people furloughed for months are now being recalled to work. Others, who have been working from home throughout the lockdown, are returning to the office. And some jobs have simply disappeared: many people are facing redundancy and will soon have to cope with job hunting. Going back to work after an unprecedented length of time at home is quite a challenge.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.