Does your child have too much energy? Take the test!

Does your child have too much energy? Take the test!
Does your child have too much energy

Are you living with a hurricane?
Does your child have too much energy?

It can be incredibly trying as a parent to have a child who just never sits still, and frustrating too, if his or her behaviour affects others.

So how do you know whether the amount of energy your child has can be considered normal, or abnormal?

All children are agile and energetic, so what’s the difference? Take our test and find out.

How many of the following can you answer ‘yes’ to?

  1. Your child runs everywhere. In fact, s/he doesn’t just run, they race as though there’s a finish line ahead.

  2. Your child has figured out how to get past all your safety controls, such as child locks, electrical outlet covers, safety latches and locks.

  3. Your child uses furniture as though it’s a jungle-gym. Scaling bookcases and tall furniture poses no problem because your child believes s/he is the next Ninja Warrior.

  4. Your child is loud. You need to wear earplugs just to save your hearing. You feel sorry for your neighbours.

  5. When your child spots a collection of pots and pans, they start making ‘music’.

  6. When you’re in the supermarket, your child uses the aisles as their own personal skating rink.

  7. Your child is the most impatient person you know and refuses to wait their turn for anything.

  8. Your child has the most violent tantrums it has ever been your mortification to witness.

  9. Flying on a plane with your child threatens national security.

  10. If your child doesn’t have regular mealtimes they become feral.

  11. When you tell your child to stop, they don’t seem able to.

  12. Your child cannot sleep through the night.

  13. When playing with other children, your child is very controlling.

  14. Your child finds it difficult to keep friends.

  15. Your child is overly confident, and some may say, arrogant.

  16. Your child is always fidgeting and squirming.

  17. Your child seems incapable of staying in one place for more than one minute.

  18. Your child is easily bored, and likes to jump from one activity to another, and then another, leaving you with the constant tidying up and unfinished projects.

  19. Your child never stops talking. They interrupt or talk over you, and when placed in an educational environment have a tendency to shout out the answers even when asked to ‘put their hand up’ or wait.

  20. Your child hits mountainous highs, but when s/he crashes, the world might as well end.

The test is a little tongue in cheek, but if you recognise what’s at the heart of these challenges, you may be feeling overwhelmed.

The thing about an over-energetic child is that their over-exuberance can depend on a parent’s subjectivity. You may be happier with boisterous behaviour than your neighbour, for example. If you compare your child to their classmates, how do they fare? If your child’s behaviour is not causing stress or upset to themselves or to others, it may just be normal behaviour at this stage of their development. If you have your doubts you should discuss your child’s energy levels with a teacher or medical professional.

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