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More and more animal lovers are discovering the benefits of Bach Flower remedies when used to treat problem animal behaviour. Alternative therapist vets use Bach Flower remedies to treat emotional issues affecting an animal’s behaviour. A number of factors can affect how an animal feels and behaves.
Understanding the cause of the imbalance and using appropriate Bach remedies aids many animals in areas such as: rehabilitation, training, recovery from illness, and in adjusting to new living circumstances. If you have a pet with problem behaviour which is caused by an emotional imbalance, Bach Flowers can help.
When you can understand the world from an animal’s perspective, you can start to free yourself and the creature from negative animal behaviour. Many pet owners approach alternative therapies with a certain amount of scepticism. However, as Bach Flower remedies are safe to give to animals, if the treatment turns out to be ineffective, there is no possibility of the animal experiencing side effects.
Both animals and humans can become trapped in a negative cycle of thinking, feeling, and behaving that affects everyday living. The flower remedies are able to target the issue at the root of an animal’s negative or destructive behaviour. Emotional imbalances typically causing problem animal behaviour are outlined in the following section.
In human life, we are affected by periods of change and often go through difficult transitions emotionally. Animal life can follow a similar pattern of emotional peaks and troughs. The key areas of problem animal behaviour Bach Flowers can help with are:
During recovery from an illness or operation
To aid in training and learning new skills
For overcoming anxieties, phobias, and fears
For increasing confidence and zest for life
In rehabilitation of neglected, abused, or traumatised animals
Soothing animals during periods of transition, adjustment, and change
Typical animal behavioural problems include: stress-related repetitive behaviours, destructive behaviours, fearfulness, depression, and over-possessiveness. Bach flower remedies work by rebalancing the animal’s emotions so that the negative behaviour stops. You can ask your Bach Flower therapist about which remedies can help your pet.
Your Bach Flower expert can prepare specially blended essences for treating your pet’s specific emotional issues. This method has helped many pet owners to experience a change in their pet’s problem animal behaviour. I advise you dilute the drops in the animals drinking water as the remedies should be taken in small amounts throughout the day.
Before you consider giving Bach Flower remedies to your pet, be sure to visit the vet to make sure there are no physical problems causing the change in the animal’s behaviour. The flower remedies won’t work if a physical ailment is at the root of the problem animal behaviour.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Animal psychology is positively affected by Bach Flowers.
Animal psychology and Bach Flower remedies have an important link which is at the heart of Dr. Bach’s original message. Bach moved away from traditional medicine to explore a variety of alternative cures in nature...
Common causes for horse stress result from difficult emotions.
Common emotional causes for horse stress tend to arise due to being kept in captivity. Many horses experience stress due to: fear, frustration, loneliness, depression, and anxiety...
Many horse behavioural problems originate from the environment.
Typical horse behavioural problems can have a physical or psychological origin. Whatever the issue with your horse’s behaviour, it’s a good idea to have a vet examine the animal to rule out any physical and psychological complaints...
Surprising benefits of having a pet
If you're wondering whether to introduce a pet to your home, you've probably already considered some of the downsides to acquiring a furry companion. The responsibility, the expense, the pet hair, the potential noise, the limited lifespan of dogs and cats all mean that becoming a pet owner is a significant commitment.
More and more animal lovers are discovering the benefits of Bach Flower remedies when used to treat problem animal behaviour. Alternative therapist vets use Bach Flower remedies to treat emotional issues affecting an animal’s behaviour. A number of factors can affect how an animal feels and behaves.
Understanding the cause of the imbalance and using appropriate Bach remedies aids many animals in areas such as: rehabilitation, training, recovery from illness, and in adjusting to new living circumstances. If you have a pet with problem behaviour which is caused by an emotional imbalance, Bach Flowers can help.
When you can understand the world from an animal’s perspective, you can start to free yourself and the creature from negative animal behaviour. Many pet owners approach alternative therapies with a certain amount of scepticism. However, as Bach Flower remedies are safe to give to animals, if the treatment turns out to be ineffective, there is no possibility of the animal experiencing side effects.
Both animals and humans can become trapped in a negative cycle of thinking, feeling, and behaving that affects everyday living. The flower remedies are able to target the issue at the root of an animal’s negative or destructive behaviour. Emotional imbalances typically causing problem animal behaviour are outlined in the following section.
In human life, we are affected by periods of change and often go through difficult transitions emotionally. Animal life can follow a similar pattern of emotional peaks and troughs. The key areas of problem animal behaviour Bach Flowers can help with are:
During recovery from an illness or operation
To aid in training and learning new skills
For overcoming anxieties, phobias, and fears
For increasing confidence and zest for life
In rehabilitation of neglected, abused, or traumatised animals
Soothing animals during periods of transition, adjustment, and change
Typical animal behavioural problems include: stress-related repetitive behaviours, destructive behaviours, fearfulness, depression, and over-possessiveness. Bach flower remedies work by rebalancing the animal’s emotions so that the negative behaviour stops. You can ask your Bach Flower therapist about which remedies can help your pet.
Your Bach Flower expert can prepare specially blended essences for treating your pet’s specific emotional issues. This method has helped many pet owners to experience a change in their pet’s problem animal behaviour. I advise you dilute the drops in the animals drinking water as the remedies should be taken in small amounts throughout the day.
Before you consider giving Bach Flower remedies to your pet, be sure to visit the vet to make sure there are no physical problems causing the change in the animal’s behaviour. The flower remedies won’t work if a physical ailment is at the root of the problem animal behaviour.
Animal psychology and Bach Flower remedies have an important link which is at the heart of Dr. Bach’s original message. Bach moved away from traditional medicine to explore a variety of alternative cures in nature...
Read the complete articleCommon emotional causes for horse stress tend to arise due to being kept in captivity. Many horses experience stress due to: fear, frustration, loneliness, depression, and anxiety...
Read the complete articleTypical horse behavioural problems can have a physical or psychological origin. Whatever the issue with your horse’s behaviour, it’s a good idea to have a vet examine the animal to rule out any physical and psychological complaints...
Read the complete articleIf you're wondering whether to introduce a pet to your home, you've probably already considered some of the downsides to acquiring a furry companion. The responsibility, the expense, the pet hair, the potential noise, the limited lifespan of dogs and cats all mean that becoming a pet owner is a significant commitment.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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